
face of cpt froggyG’day Ladies and Gents,

Welcome to the Zeepond review pages. Here, you’ll be able to read all my published reviews (from THE CPT FROGGY), on everything from AAA to indie games. I take enormous pride and enjoyment writing these reviews in order to empower you to make informed choices while you expand your gaming library.

All of my reviews have a unique introduction, an entertaining body including positives and negatives, two screenshots and the video trailer, too.

You are able to share these reviews to Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms if you wish to do so and I thank you in advance for sharing them using the social media icons within the reviews.

My reviews, however, cannot be copied or translated on any other sort of publication unless you have my exclusive written permission to do so. Please use the contact tab (top right corner), then General Enquiries if you are seeking any sort of permission.

Enjoy the read!


The Cpt Froggy
719 Hits
22nd October 2022
The Cpt Froggy
1395 Hits
25th June 2021
The Cpt Froggy
1586 Hits
22nd August 2017
The Cpt Froggy
8285 Hits
25th July 2017
The Cpt Froggy
10002 Hits
27th June 2017