Tale of Fallen Dragons


An ancient Chinese manuscript says that the nine sons of the Legendary Dragon were vanquished by a powerful spell and kept captive in dungeons underneath the Temple of the Fallen Dragons. It is written that a dungeon ceiling caved in where the nine sons could have escaped. Many brave disciples who had been initiated into the martial art of Kung-Fu, ventured into the dungeons, but did not return. That is where the legend of Tian Xan begun.

Tale of Fallen Dragons is an action / dungeon crawler game where you play the daring Tian Xan, the last disciple of the Master Zhu Lin!

You will start the game in front of the temple and meet your Master. From here, you will be introduced to the story and then descend straight into your first dungeon. A quick note here - all dungeons are randomized, which is fabulous and gives good re-playability. When you appear in this dungeon, you will carry with you two green and gold keys. These keys will open golden chests, within them will be plenty of interesting goodies, including coins of different colours; bronze will give you one coin, silver five coins and gold 10 coins.  You might also get a lovely heart which will regenerate some of your health. Within the dungeons, you will see blue and golden symbols too. There are basically perks to give you more speed, greater rate of fire and more. However, some do have negative effects as well. For example, one symbol might give you extra critical damage but decrease your speed if you choose to pick it up.

Your hero will have one weapon but can change the type of projectiles by picking up those darker blue square icons, and if you are lucky, you might find a pet to help your firepower too.

Each dungeon has several rooms with locked doors. When you enter a room with a green door, you will fight several enemies; the number will vary from two or eight enemies to eliminate. Some rooms might have spikes on the floor as well as other obstacles, so try to avoid them. Crates are a bit of a bummer during the battle as they can obstruct you. On the bright side, you can destroy them and an item could appear in its place. Enter a red door and you will fight one of the sons, and depending on which weapons and perks you have, you either win or die. If you have fallen, you can restart the level or go back to the temple. Occasionally, you might enter a merchant room and you will need to have certain number of coins to purchase one of the four items on display.  

There is a runes gauge on the right hand side of your screen. This gauge will increase each time you kill an enemy and as soon as it reaches the top you will earn a rune. You can use the rune on the octagonal Mystic Elements Symbol back at the Temple. By doing so, you will receive additional attribute points for your hero.

Very good graphics and the game runs very well. Personally, I prefer to play with the gamepad rather than with the keyboard and mouse.  Bear in mind this game is an Early Access; I would like to see more foe and the English translation needs to improve.


+ Good graphics
+ Randomized dungeons
+ Fun and addictive
+ Good re-playability
+ Plenty of perks and items
+ Achievements and trading cards


- Need more enemies (minion)

Review Summary

Tale of Fallen Dragons is a fun and addictive dungeon crawler - keep an eye on this one!

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Zeepond Rating: 7/10
