Path of Kami: Journey Begins


You play as Kazeyo, a recently deceased wolf that must navigate the mortal and spirit world as you take a long journey to the mountain where you’ll find the spirit village. To help you on your journey you have Wisp, a guardian spirit who will guide you.

You begin in the area known as Evergreen Seas, and to progress into new areas and reach your destination you’ll have to complete a series of easy puzzles. You will have to find various spirit keys around and then place them in certain places, after which you’ll receive an item which will allow you to progress in the game. At times you won’t be able to proceed, but nearby will be some Lanterns. Using spirit fire on the lanterns to light them, they will then move into position or raise platforms, allowing you to reach new areas and continue on your journey.

Scattered around the areas are items and spirit fires for you to collect.  There are also some hidden areas which you can find. These don’t really give you anything, they are just for collecting and achievements.

There are sacred fountains where you can replenish your spirit fire should it run low, which shouldn’t be very often. These fountains can also be used to save your progress, and should you die, you will respawn back in the last fountain that you took a bath in.

The game is very short; I completed it in less than two hours, and that’s with me getting lost in what I was doing. I had collected some spirit keys and had been shown where they unlocked, but when I visited the cable car I couldn’t activate it, so I was stumped. After running around the place thinking I must have missed something, I then left the game and had a bite to eat.  Upon my return I revisited the cable car and noticed that one side of it had opened. I don’t remember having seen it open before; I could have just missed it, or it might have just been bugged. Either way it allowed me to travel to the next area.

The graphics of the game look great and there is a Photo mode in which you can take photographs. In Photo mode there’s a bunch of filters and other stuff that you can play around with before taking a photo. You can look at your photos in the gallery.

There isn’t that much to do in the game apart from walking about and a few puzzles, and later in the game a few enemy spirits that you can pass with ease by running past them.

In the Settings there’s options for Video (Resolution, Full Screen or Windowed Camera - Controller and Mouse Sensitivity and Camera Field of View), Sound (Sound and Music Volume Sliders), Language (English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, French, Russian, German, Polish and Korean), Advanced Settings (Paint Distance Effect, Shadows, Reflections, V-Sync, Texture and Shadow Quality - Low, Medium and High - and Anti-Aliasing.), and Controls (Key Binds for Keyboard & Mouse and Gamepad).

Review written by Piston Smashed™ for

 Path of Kami: Journey Begins Steam Store Page


+ Nice graphics
+ Easy to play
+ Full controller support
+ Has achievements


- Very short
- No cards currently

Review Summary

Help Kazeyo, a recently deceased wolf, navigate through the mortal and spirit realm as he travels to the spirit village in the mountain.

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Zeepond Rating: 6/10
