Detective Agency Gray Tie - Collector's Edition


A well-known art collector, Mr Gino Grasso, had his latest priceless object, a golden bull statuette, stolen from his collection. He heard about this famous detective agency that had resolved some of the most challenging cases in the world. After hearing Gino's story, Amanda, the lead detective, thinks that the heist was probably executed by the famous thief, the Faceless, who seems to have taken an interest in art statuettes in recent times. Amanda and her associate take on the case to find out if the Faceless took the statuette and for what purpose. All will be revealed in Detective Agency Gray tie - Collector's Edition.

Detective Agency Gray tie - Collector's Edition is a casual Hidden objects game with puzzle elements (mini-games) developed by AVI GAMES and published by HH-Games on the 30th of October 2022, on the Steam platform.

The game consists of 48 levels in the main story, including mini-games, and offers an additional 16 levels after finishing. It is a short game, and you probably will see it through within two hours. However, I did enjoy the story and how the game sequences are presented. You basically have a hidden object level with two stages, a mini-game (puzzle) as the next level, and so forth until the end of the game. As much as the hidden object scenes have beautiful and colourful graphics, I find them to be very easy in terms of finding the objects. It's pretty much the same for the mini-game levels. However, the developers have tried to give a bit more replayability by including a raccoon and a special object in each hidden object level. But, again, both are pretty easy to find at first glance at the picture.

I have a bit of a dilemma here. As an adult who enjoys these casual games, I'd like a bit more of a challenge. Yes, I’d actually like to feel some frustration! frustrated because  There’s a satisfying sense of challenge if I can't locate one or more of the objects I need to find on the picture.  Hitting the hint button once or twice adds to the experience. Unfortunately, that didn't happen to me with this game. Having said that, I think it might be a good initiation to the genre for people (including children) who have never played these casual games. I believe the price they are asking is reasonable, and you will be entertained.

The graphics are good and colourful, and the soundtrack is fun. I like that you unlock an additional 16 levels when you finish the main story. The only language available at the moment is English.

Review written by THE CPT FROGGY for

Detective Agency Gray Tie - Collector's Edition Steam Store Page


+ Nice graphics
+ Good soundtrack
+ 48 levels in the main story, + an additional 16 levels to unlock when completed
+ Good initiation to the genre for newcomers and children
+ Good price point


- No achievements or trading cards
- Short game with too-easy levels
- Not much replayability

Review Summary

A beautiful, colourful Hidden objects game, but short.  It would be a good introduction for newcomers to the genre.

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Zeepond Rating: 6/10
