

Sitting together on the top of a hill like two love birds, Harry and Zula were enjoying the beauty of the night when suddenly a falling star illuminated the sky on its way down to Earth. Zula stood up, mesmerized by this incredible spectacle, and decided to share with Harry an old legend she had heard. It says that only a woman can follow and find where the falling star has landed, and when she reaches it, she will be granted eternal love. As she walks down the hill by herself, it will be the last time Harry sees her safe and sound. This is how Harry’s world falls apart, and he’ll do anything to have her back!

Apocalipsis is a point and click adventure game where you play the heart-broken Harry searching to discover what happened to the love of his life.  

Apocalipsis has 23 levels to complete and Harry will find himself on land, in water and inside dark underground caves. In most of the stages, he will have to resolve puzzles by collecting and using items he finds within it, as with all classic point and click games, in order to progress to the nest step of the story. Most of the puzzles are pretty logical and obvious, with the exception of a few, which will make you think for a while. There are a couple of levels where Harry will have to avoid being hit by cannonballs or caught by the tentacles of the all mighty Kraken! That right, Harry has to run and swim for his life! Personally, I like to have a bit of variety when I play this type of game.

What I really appreciate in Apocalipsis is the visuals arts, which are based on 15th Century woodcuts. All the monsters, animals and characters, as well as the scenery, are great to look at, and you can really feel the sombre atmosphere all the way through the game. The cuts-scenes that take please each time you successfully clear a stage are pretty cool, too. Occasionally, Adam “Negral” Darski will narrate part of the story, which amplifies the dark atmosphere a notch or two. Great stuff!

The game is pretty short and can be finished within 3 to 4 hours. There are specific achievements to gather on several maps. The good news is that you can replay these maps as soon as you have cleared them on your first walkthrough. You still can play the game again, but apart from that the replay-ability is minimal.

Great graphics and nice soundtrack. If you are a fan of puzzle games, you might find it a bit easy. But on the other hand, if you’ve never played this genre, in my opinion it’s a good introduction.


+ Great artworks
+ Enjoyable to play whether you are a fan of puzzle games or not
+ Nice soundtrack
+ Achievements


- The game is a bit short
- No trading cards as yet

Review Summary

Apocalipsis is an interesting point and click game with great artwork based on 15th Century woodcuts. Quite unique, I must say!

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Zeepond Rating: 6/10
